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1 :風吹けば名無し:2020/10/27(火) 22:40:16.61 ID:EmNUmoAv0.net
While walking down a street in Auckland, New Zealand, he slipped on an orange peel, fell down and broke his leg. Infection set in and the leg had to be amputated. Bobby Leach died while in surgery and was buried in Auckland's Hillsboro Cemetery. His gravestone reads: "In loving memory of Bobby Leach, world famous by his trip over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

2 :風吹けば名無し:2020/10/27(火) 22:40:48.84 ID:czr1ovOP0.net

3 :風吹けば名無し:2020/10/27(火) 22:41:17.77 ID:1h1fqeI/d.net

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