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1 :風吹けば名無し:2020/07/16(木) 20:32:16 ID:+6SgOHww0.net

Fried food and milk - if there’s a better combination I don’t want to hear it

The portion is too small!

Hate the beige everyday. Whats wrong with a side salad?

Prison food is better.

No thank you!

That makes the hospital food I had look like Michelin-starred gourmet cuisine.

this stuff looks freaking nasty.

prison food??

This is the sort of thing that years of Japanese language practice can't prepare you for.

2 :風吹けば名無し:2020/07/16(木) 20:32:28 ID:9/3+7F5Xd.net



3 :風吹けば名無し:2020/07/16(木) 20:32:42 ID:+6SgOHww0.net

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