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1 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2017/05/12(金) 21:33:46.02 ID:jb+sjQ5e0.net

A poster promoting national pride has been the source of much confusion in Japan in recent weeks.

The posters around Kyoto were warmly welcomed by some, but touched a nerve among those concerned about rising right-wing nationalism.
But now there's a twist, as it has emerged that the model they feature is actually Chinese.


2 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2017/05/12(金) 21:34:17.36 ID:jb+sjQ5e0.net
So why did this bother people?

On the surface the poster appears to promote benign patriotism. As one person said on Twitter: "What's wrong with being proud of your country in your country?"
But others saw it as unsettling nationalism. In recent years, right-wing conservative groups have become more vocal, advocating a move away from post-war pacifism and a revisionist take on Japan's wartime history.

3 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2017/05/12(金) 21:34:28.81 ID:qgEQXSNO0.net

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