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NanJ English Club

1 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2016/09/04(日) 00:14:46.35 ID:V//BAEg30.net
Hello everyone. Welcome back to another lesson. This is John.
In today's lesson, Judy thinks Tom gets in a fight in school. Do you like fight? I hope not.
Let's get ready to study.
Hello everyone. It's Vanessa. Thanks for joining us again.
I hope you're ready to practice some more English. Let's see what happens in this lesson.
Okay everyone. Let's listen to today's dialogue.
Let's learn some words and phrases.
All right everyone. Let's listen again.
Okay everyone, let's listen again. But this time try to repeat after me and John.
Okay everyone. Now it's time for role playing. Now you play the role of... Please start.
Great. This time you play the role of...
Okay now it's time for grammar point of the day.
Let's go on to practice.
Let's go on to the useful expression of the day.
The movie is about to start. Let's go to our seats.
Hang on a second. I want to buy some pop corn first.
All right everyone. Let's listen to the dialogue for the last time.
All right everyone. Unfortunately that's all the time we have for now.
What are you going to do with the rest of your day?
If you have any extra time, studying English would be a good idea.
We'll see you soon. Take care.
Okay everyone. We hope that lesson was great.
And by the way, were you ever injured when you played a sport?
Remember. Try to avoid getting a black eye like Tom.
We'll see you next time. Bye bye.

2 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2016/09/04(日) 00:15:23.58 ID:aVQQFWrK0.net

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