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1 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2016/07/16(土) 23:49:50.78 ID:jtYVVf570.net

Pokemon Go down: Servers crash as millions try to access game
The Independent-51 分前
Pokemon Go servers appear to have crashed as good weather over the weekend has apparently led millions outdoors to play the augmented reality game.
 Users across Europe and the US have complained they are unable to access the ...
Pokemon Go servers down causing meltdown among gamers in ...
Irish Mirror-36 分前
Pokemon Go's Servers Are Down Once Again
Comicbook.com-40 分前
Pokemon Go is Pokemon gone as servers crash
Somerset Live-53 分前
Pokemon Go servers are down and people are freaking out
Metro-36 分前
Pokemon Go servers crash causing a meltdown among frustrated ...
海外-WalesOnline-12 分前

2 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2016/07/16(土) 23:50:23.14 ID:A0QQh2GT0.net

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