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1 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/12(木) 12:21:06.89 ID:MH6pttSZ0.net
US football bosses have recommended banning heading the ball in fixtures involving children under the age of 10.
The United States Soccer Federation have also proposed that children up until the age of 13 refrain from heading the ball in training.
While they have no jurisdiction to officially impose the sanctions, they are to suggest them to youth football organisations across the country.
The federation has also revealed new concussion protocols for the Development Academy and youth national teams on Monday.
Any player who is suspected of having concussion can be substituted and brought back on to the pitch, if cleared, without it costing a replacement.

2 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/12(木) 12:21:51.05 ID:5GOJrS4WK.net

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