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1 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:51:15.33 ID:KK+s1jgY0.net
Announcement! Temporary Change!

Dear trusted affiliates,

Some of you are aware of the issues we are facing, some of you, don't. Due to the recent termination of our payment gateway we have to make drastic changes.

2 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:51:31.23 ID:KK+s1jgY0.net
-We will be ceasing PPD & PPS from the 10th of November until we get a new processor up.
-We will be PAYING what you have made up until the 10th of November as a sign of goodwill and that we are going NOWHERE.
-We will open up traffic to users with FREE users enjoying 2 MB/s and ANONYMOUS users enjoying 500 KB/s with no wait time in between files.

3 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:51:46.85 ID:KK+s1jgY0.net
Storage will not be extended and we will keep all files as they remain for now.

Kindly note that we still have storage and the bandwidth to pay for. We have our fingers crossed that we can get a new solution up after being targeted and taken down 3 times.

We trust that you understand our situation, and we certainly do depend on you as "charity" for now until we get back up.

4 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:52:03.04 ID:KK+s1jgY0.net
Thanks for your understanding and loyalty.

Uploadable Team

5 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:52:30.56 ID:Yej7k/m6a.net

6 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:52:38.90 ID:zy+h94770.net

7 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:52:49.76 ID:KK+s1jgY0.net

8 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:53:06.30 ID:PEdClP8xM.net

9 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:53:15.43 ID:ddmu+jKW0.net

10 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:53:39.81 ID:O7Wy1NVC0.net

11 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:53:45.78 ID:j6hnto3h0.net

12 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:53:52.77 ID:KK+s1jgY0.net

13 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/11/11(水) 00:54:08.93 ID:y5o73dnF0.net

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