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1 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/10/10(土) 21:31:25.91 ID:/LCjP0uK01010.net
Mybackyard, Somerset, about 13 hours ago
No, it isn't racist . It just reflects the views that many people have about a great many false refugees who take advantage of the generosity of the west to obtain just those things.
1049人が賛成 56人が反対
Matt_DM, Nottingham, United Kingdom, about 12 hours ago
10,000 scream and disagree, hundreds of thousands agree and remain silent - sounds about right for how our society is.
895人が賛成 31人が反対

2 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/10/10(土) 21:31:50.10 ID:4R5RFt0G01010.net

3 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/10/10(土) 21:32:20.91 ID:/LCjP0uK01010.net
Syrian is a nationality not a race so it can't be racist.
738人が賛成 28人が反対


Freedom of speech slowly being crushed, just as intended by the Left and those who despise our freedom. You know who.
657人が賛成 24人が反対


4 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/10/10(土) 21:32:33.51 ID:MyHwEqLwM1010.net

5 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2015/10/10(土) 21:32:55.34 ID:/LCjP0uK01010.net
>I was not aware that Syrians are a separate r a c e. The artist did really well and spoke the truth. I am glad that Japanese are not worried about PC and are still free to express their opinion.
>シリア人が一個の 人 種 だったとは知らなんだ。このアーティストさんは大変良い仕事をなさいました。おっしゃるところは真実。ポリコレを気にすることなく自由に意見を述べることのできる日本の現状を嬉しく思います。

>This is just a Japanese artists view of what is happening in another part of the World, and is probably the view shared by a large majority in the West with regards to some refugees

>He was wrong using a kid. It's not the children who think this. It's those young angry men that are trying to push their way into Europe. The kids are only there to make us feel guilty, they are just pawns. Still kudos to the artist.

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