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45 :風吹けば名無し:2018/12/24(月) 21:53:16.02 ID:DLE1p3BGaEVE.net
Japanese Princess Mako “Ah...yeah...///“
Her fiancé Kei Komuro “...”bangbangbangbang!

Mako ”Oh...Gooood!!!”

Kei “...“freeze
Mako “...w,Why......?”

Kei “My “Moon”, I have few moNey this month”

Mako “B, but... this is the money from taxes......”
Kei “I got it.”outsert....
Mako “No! Please do not stop it!!!”
Kei “...Then, do you understand what you have to do?”

Mako “...” flip-flop 5 ten-thousand-yens bills
Kei “...”gargle

Kei “I love you......”mwah
Mako “❤”

Kei “Hey! Let’s go to heaven together!!!”bangbangbangbangbang
Mako “Oh, Ah yeah, Yes...NooooooooOOOOOO!!!!!///❤”

Actually, this is the Japan.

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