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116 :風吹けば名無し:2019/11/07(木) 11:26:48.07 .net

At the time when the ADS detected the pedestrian for the first time, 5.6 seconds before impact, she was positioned approximately in the middle of the two left turn lanes (see figure 3).
Although the ADS sensed the pedestrian nearly 6 seconds before the impact, the system never classified her as a pedestrian―or predicted correctly her goal as a jaywalking pedestrian or a cyclist
―because she was crossing the N. Mill Avenue at a location without a crosswalk;
the system design did not include a consideration for jaywalking pedestrians.
Instead, the system had initially classified her as an other object which are not assigned goals.
As the ADS changed the classification of the pedestrian several times―alternating between vehicle, bicycle, and an other― the system was unable to correctly predict the path of the detected object.
Only when the ADS determined that the object’s currently detected location was on the path of the ATG vehicle―1.2 seconds before impact―the system recognized an emergency situation, an imminent collision.
At that time, because preventing the collision would have required extreme braking or steering actions―beyond the design specifications―the ADS initiated suppression of its motion plan.
One second later, the vehicle was still on the collision path with the pedestrian, and preventing the collision still required an extreme avoidance maneuverer;
per design, the system did not engage emergency brakes, but rather provided an auditory alert to the vehicle operator as it initiated a plan for the vehicle slowdown.

総レス数 382
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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★