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「ポケモンGOで遊ぶ中高年はよく歩く」 東京大学が発見

153 :風吹けば名無し:2019/02/11(月) 12:55:17.89 ID:vY606zgpd.net
Background: Smartphones have been integrated into our society and are expected to serve as tools to improve health outcomes.
In the summer of 2016, Pokémon GO, a location-based augmented reality game for smartphones was released; it attracted attention from the perspective of health, especially with its potential to increase physical activity (PA).
A few studies have compared objectively measured step counts before and after the release of the game; however, they were conducted over a short study period and evaluated only young people.

Objective: The objective of this study was to confirm whether there was a difference in step counts between middle-aged and elderly players and nonplayers before and after the release of Pokémon GO.


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