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26 :風吹けば名無し:2018/08/19(日) 10:31:40.13 ID:6jhVRHwU0.net
彡(0)(0)「Excuse me. May I ask you something?」
彡;(゚)(゚)「ファッ!? は、は、はろー まいねいむいず・・・まいねいむ・・・」
彡(0)(0)「Oh, could you speak English? YEP!」
:彡( )( ):「ママママイネイム いず ヤキューミン アイアムペン・・・」
彡(0)(0)「Then,I'm looking for Koshien Baseball Stadium. Would you...?」

彡(゚)(゚)「Please go straight ahead. You'll see Osaka St. And take the JR Line there.
Koshien-Guchi St is the 5th stop. Have a nice trip!」

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