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289 :風吹けば名無し:2018/06/12(火) 23:53:54.68 ID:/h+pXRi00.net


It may seem like common sense that individuals with an advanced degree earn more than those possessing only a bachelor's degree.

But the salary comparisons between graduates of bachelor's and master's degree programs reveal that their earnings varies more widely than we previously expected.

In general, graduates of master's degree programs earn far more than those with an undergraduate degree in similar positions.

For instance, according to the 2016-2017 College Salary Report from the website Payscale.com, an accountant with a bachelor's degree earned an average salary of only $48,300.
Meanwhile an accountant with a master's degree earned an average salary of nearly $60,000.

It clearly can be said by considering the trend that master's degree is more and more to be required in many places compared to the past that earning a master's degree is one of the best way that makes sure that you be successful in the society.


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