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【ガイジ】 ネトウヨの動画削除騒動で打線xwwxwwxwwxwwwwxwwxwwxwwx

576 :風吹けば名無し:2018/05/28(月) 12:27:06.07 ID:4Oc53GiV0.net
Regarding large volume account BAN of ...
投稿者: Lycopene power 5月24日

I am a Japanese general adult man,
but I would like to inquire about the intentions of you youtube administrator about the above.

It seem that you are purposely deleting Japanese conservative videos,
but is it after doing scrutiny of the content and its background?
Otherwise it would be too rude to the publisher, is it too severely unilateral?

総レス数 1001
221 KB

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