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1 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2017/02/28(火) 23:13:01.09 ID:qLwNZ9z20.net
ワイ「Well...I think there are three curricular reasons why japanese people can’t speak English.
Inadequate reinforcement of the lessons. It’s not that the grammar-translation method doesn’t work, it’s that it’s not backed up by something more.
School students get a lesson once a week if they’re lucky, for less than an hour. That lesson explains
grammar and introduces vocabulary. And then . . . whooosh, you might as well send them
to Siberia. Japanese kids have tons of words and a smattering of grammar, but no
examples of how to use the stuff in action. They need reinforcement: real-world
materials showing the variety of ways in which words are actually used. There’s no
reading program, no opportunities for conversation or presentation, no schedule for
watching movies. The grammar explanation isn’t the problem. It’s that it isn’t
rounded out with further study.
Classroom control. Now, if you’re a teacher, you can probably relate to this.
Traditional, lecture-centric teaching requires everyone to shut up and pay attention
to you. It’s just that there’s a fine line between classroom control and turning
your class into a mini prison. Shut everyone up too much and you can’t restart them.........」


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