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631 :風吹けば名無し@\(^o^)/:2017/02/25(土) 18:34:57.31 ID:NXvl8VK40.net
[Shinagawa Shop]Course A (2 hours)
JPY 6000 / Person · We will drive around the center of Tokyo. You can go to Tokyo Tower, Roppongi, and Shibuya.

[Shinagawa shop]Course B (2 hours)
JPY 6000 / Person · We will drive around the bay side of Tokyo. You can go to Tokyo Tower, Roppongi, and Odaiba. You can feel hi-speed through the Rainbow Bridge.

[Shinagawa Shop]Course C (3 hours)
JPY 8000 / Person · We will drive the center and the bay side of Tokyo. You can go to Tokyo Tower, Roppongi, Shibuya, and Odaiba.


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