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【悲報】JASRACさん 音楽教室で教材で演奏する曲からも著作権料を貰うと発表

16 :星期四の残疾 ◆ENoLaGay.. :2017/02/02(木) 18:15:24.43 ID:M5yov6zSd0202.net

Japanese people have no absolute code of ethics, therefore the standard of “what act is right or wrong” is
very unstable. This is entirely different from the case of us, the western people, who believe of the universal
rule of the absolute and omnipotent God.

The Japanese man usually assumes that what his surroundings assume is right is really right. He feels
extremely uneasy when he doesn’t do what the majority is doing. There are enormous number of laws and
regulations which are de facto unavailable because so many people break them that the authority cannot
punish all violators completely.

Hence, it’s not mysterious that Japanese people strictly condemn the insults to Japan and Japanese people
(even if they are done by the victims of Japanese war crimes), while the disgusting hate-speeches against
Korea and China are let free.



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